PBMs current assemblymen gained through party-hopping are A. Lima Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri ADUN parti itu pula adalah dua di Selangor iaitu Haniza Talha Lembah Jaya dan Dr Daroyah Alwi Sementa selain tiga di Perak iaitu Leong Cheok Keng Malim Nawar A Sivasubramaniam Buntung dan Paul Yong Choo Kiong Tronoh. Defence Closes Case In Rape Trial Of Former State Exco Paul Yong The Democratic Action Party abbreviation. . ஜனநயக சயல கடச is a centre-left social democratic political party in Malaysia. We would like to show you a description here but the site wont allow us. This form is for the purposes of sending representations in relation to criminal investigations or proceedings. Please provide the relevant information in the respective fields below. Sivasubramaniam Buntong Paul Yong Choo Kiong Tronoh Leong Cheok Keng Malim Nawar Haniza Mohamed Talha Lembah Jaya and Daroyah Alwi Sementa. For its state seats three are from the Per...